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Keepin' it Plant Based


Once a month we'd like to update you on all things PLANT BASED and keep you educated on the latest and greatest advancements and learnings within the growing lifestyle! Let's get to it!

1. New to a plant based lifestyle? Although living a sustainable plant based life is not only about the food you eat, it's still a big chunk of it. Need advice on how to transition into a plant based diet? An easy way to start off is by starting small, discovering your favorite vegetable based proteins, and experimenting with Umami flavors. What are Umami flavors? Complex spices, vinegars, and toppings that transform your food into a savory meal.

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2. An easy way to keep your life plant based is by lighting up our candles! Sanari only uses plant based products, but do you know why? We believe it is important to keep our candles plant base, so that you and your home can breathe in an a cleaner, purer life.

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3. Have you been itching to grow your own plants? Growing your own plants from your own scraps is incredibly sustainable, plant based -- and not that hard to do! You can upcycle everything from your onions to your pineapples with just some water, sunlight, and love!

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4. Did you know there's a list of preferred plants you should keep in your bathroom? Yes, its true! You may not know but Peace lilies are known to absorb chemicals while potted palms grow well in humid areas. Don't have much natural light in your bathroom? No problem. The English Ivy requires little natural light and helps absorb polluted air.

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5. Having an eco home is not only great for the environment and your wallet, but its safer for you and your family. There's hundred of tips on how to live a eco conscious life. Some of our favorite EASY cost effective - eco friendly tips? Unplugging, composting, and turning off the water when you're not using it while brushing your teeth!

Source HERE

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