The Sanari Candle Difference

On Sunday afternoons, my daughter and I have a ritual of lighting a candle, making a pot of tea, and baking together. The presence of the candlelight brings warmth, softness, and sweetness to our shared experience. It enables us to commune with the moment. I light candles at the dinner table, in my bedroom and when I curl up to read a book. The glow helps me wind down, relax, and get into a meditative mood.
But all of this came to a halt when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I took stock and eliminated all possible toxins from our home. Out went chemical cleaners and unhealthy foods. It turns out that traditional candles are full of toxic chemicals, like petroleum, dyes, artificial fragrances, and animal by-products that go right into the air you breathe. So out went my beloved candles and the beautiful glow that made me so happy.
My daughter and I went back to baking together, but I missed the special moment created by the candlelight. Though, I was not going to give this up. I needed to come up with a solution. Years of experience in the world of fragrance and essential oils, and over a year of research in natural waxes, led me to create Sanari Organic Candles – made entirely by plants. I made a Vegan candle! Knowing that burning candles with organic essential oils extracted from plants grown on this earth is healthy and wholesome, my Sunday afternoon baking is once again filled with pure, healing, beautiful light. And so is our home.
For those of you willing to engage this journey with me, I believe in energy transference. I believe love can be felt and experienced through items such as food and candles when made with that intent. I intend that you experience the love which flows through my product and receive it in any form you might need at the moment.
Rebecca Aghalarpour
Founder of Sanari Candles